
The encrypted volume can be authenticated, decrypted and diplayed here.

  • Load Encrypted Volume
  • Verify
  • Decrypt
  • Display Map
Load your encrypted file for verification.
Upon decryption, the map can be displayed.

The loaded encrypted volume has the following 256 SHA hash value.
To verify its originality, compare this with the hash stored on the blockchain.


Select level to decrypt into:   Selecting fine decrypts the original dataset from the 1st level, medium decrypts the 2nd level holding the masked or binned dataset, while selecting coarse decrypts the 3rd level holding the heavily-masked or binned dataset. Check out the verification guide
Enter passphrase (5 terms for coarse level, 10 for medium, and 15 for fine)

Depending on chosen level a corresponding representation of the original map is displayed here
(refresh page/reopen browser if map is not displaying correctly).
